PHP dynamic Menu urls generation in codeigniter with lamda functions
<ul class="uk-tab"> <?php $class = function($uri){ if(in_array($uri,$this->uri->segment_array())) return...
How to hide the popup if user pressed the esc key in javascirpt
<script> $(document).keypress(function(e){ if(e.keyCode==27){ //User pressed the esc key, if the popup is display then the popu...
PHP Script to read all files in the given folder
<?php //to display files from a directory foreach( glob ( "images/*" ) as $filename ) { $name = explode ( "/" ,...
PHP Strong random Password Generation Script
<html> <head> </head> <body> <?php function generateRandomString ( $length = 10 ) { $c...
Pagination in php function
<?php function paginate($page, $path, $tr, $limit, $condition, $tab) { if ($page > 1) { $first = 1; echo ("...
Add one day to the today date in php
?php $today = "10/24/2015"; $days =4; echo date('d M Y', strtotime($today...
How to get index position of an item from array in php
array_search() — Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful. <?php $array = array( 0 ...
How to use sprintf function in php (or) How to use stringbuilder in php with sprintf function
The sprintf function it works as stringbuilder in .net or java The sprintf() function writes a formatted string to a variable. The arg...
Codeigniter abstract class example
Abstract classes are special because they can never be instantiated. Instead, you typically inherit a set of base functionality from them ...
PHP automatically show class active
<?php $class = function($uri){ if(in_array($uri,$this->uri->segment_array())) echo 'class="uk-active"'; }?>...
Generate slug url in php codeigniter
Save this class file library generateslug.php class GenerateSlug{ /* * Developed by Manikanta */ public function get_r...
PHP anonymous function example
var sum = function(a, b) { return a + b; } alert(sum(15, 2)); Notice that, in the PHP example, the semicolon is mandatory after defini...
Grocery Crud time picker setup code in php codeigniter
Here's my translation and update of the French web page above (all the code was appearing as HTML entities, so it's far from a cut...
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