function funname(){ echo "<style>#form-button-save{display:none;}</style>"; $outpu...
Sum of array values in jquery
var tax_array = new Array(); var total = 50 $.each(tax_array,function() { total += this; }); $('.grand...
Grocery Crud Custom Multiselect
$services = $this->db->get_where('services',['status'=>1])->result(); $employees_multiselect = array(); ...
Javascript valid email address code
<input type="text" name="email" value="" onblur="isValidEmail(this.value)"/> <script...
Detecting the idle time. if user is idle state auto execute url
Javascript code to detect the idle state <script type = "text/javascript" > var idleTime = 0 ; $ ( document ). ready ...
How to use HTML Type CKEditor
Full Package <script src="//"></script> Or Standard Package <...
Autocomplete Current place address and city name with geocomplete
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></sc...
10 Second Countdown in jquery
var counter = 10; setInterval(function() { counter--; if (counter >= 0) { span = document.getElementById("count...
Automatically reload the webpage after 10 seconds
<script> setTimeout(function(){location.reload();},10000); </script>
Countries Database sql file for mysql and sql
-- -- Table structure for table `countries` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `countries` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_I...
Created at Update at timestamp trigger in mysql
For created_at timestamp CREATE TRIGGER `Update create at Timestamp If New Insert` AFTER INSERT ON `table_name` FOR EACH ROW UPDATE `...
PHP script to upload image from URL
Hi all, The below is the PHP script to get image from url and save into your location machine or into own server $imageurl ='...
OWL - Carousel
The below is the example for the owl carousel slider Click me to download the owlcarousel plugin for slide show or slider <div ...
Online UNIX Timestamp to Human Readable format converter
Welcome to online timestamp converter Demo Output <script> function timeToHuman() { if(document.getElem...
DB Backup Code in codeigniter
<?php /* * Controller Name : Dbbackup * Location : application/controllers/Dbbackup.php */ class Dbbackup extends CI_Controller{...
Today in Strtotime format, and Tomorrow in strtotime format
<?php echo "Today " . strtotime(date('d-m-Y', time())); echo "<br/>"; echo "Tomorrow ...
List Sortable in Jquery UI with example
The Below is the example for the list sort with demo <script src="//"></script...
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